BINGO & CAKE WALK & SILENT AUCTION Coalgate E. E. Emerson Elementary will be having a Bingo and cake walk. Proceeds go for class trips and activities. November 3, 2022 6:00-8:00 P.M. Linton Gym Sponsored by E.E. Emerson Elementary Staff
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Lil' CHEER CAMP UPDATE Due to weather, we are going to postpone tonight’s Lil’ Cheer Camp halftime performances.  We will try one more time next Friday night. The letter below is the same one passed out yesterday and the info will still apply for next week.   See you all next Friday night, November 4th!
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Lil' Cheer Camp
NEW DICTIONARIES The Rotary Club came to Emerson Elementary and gave dictionaries to all the 3rd grade.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Rotary Club Dictionaries
LAST DAY TO VOTE!! PLEASE VOTE! WE NEED YOUR VOTE We need your help!! It’s that time of year again! Emerson Elementary gifted & talented class has once again entered the Keep Oklahoma Beautiful Uncapped competition. Students must create a work of art entirely from bottle caps along with a 150 word essay discussing the importance of recycling. In order to be one of the finalists, we need everyone to vote for our project on the Uncapped website. Finalists are determined based solely on PUBLIC VOTE! The voting opened yesterday and will end at 5:00 pm on Friday the 21st. You can vote daily!! We have won this competition the last two years. Help us make it three! Here is the link. SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE TOWARD THE BOTTOM. WE ARE LISTED AS EMERSON ELEMENTARY. CLICK THE CIRCLE BESIDE OUR PROJECT. THEN SCROLL TO THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE PAGE AND HIT SUBMIT. To vote, go to
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
ATTENTION EMERSON ELEMENTARY PARENTS: Join our 21st Century Before and After School Facebook Page:
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
After School
FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP OCT 19 See attached image for more information
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
WE NEED YOUR VOTE We need your help!! It’s that time of year again! Emerson Elementary gifted & talented class has once again entered the Keep Oklahoma Beautiful Uncapped competition. Students must create a work of art entirely from bottle caps along with a 150 word essay discussing the importance of recycling. In order to be one of the finalists, we need everyone to vote for our project on the Uncapped website. Finalists are determined based solely on PUBLIC VOTE! The voting opened yesterday and will end at 5:00 pm on Friday the 21st. You can vote daily!! We have won this competition the last two years. Help us make it three! Here is the link. SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE TOWARD THE BOTTOM. WE ARE LISTED AS EMERSON ELEMENTARY. CLICK THE CIRCLE BESIDE OUR PROJECT. THEN SCROLL TO THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE PAGE AND HIT SUBMIT. To vote, go to
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
ok beautiful
ok beautiful2
ok beautiful3
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Red Ribbon Week
IMPORTANT The Junior High game tonight at Marietta will begin at 5"30 PM.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES Retakes will be Wednesday, October 5!
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
GREAT NEWS! We are proud to announce Emerson Elementary School received the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant!  This grant will provide funding for our before school, after school and summer school programs. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Debra Johnson, 21st Century Grant Director, at 580-927-2351.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Michaela and Lacy
SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES Retakes will be Wednesday, October 5.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Meredith Welch
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
Jordyn Miller
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
No after school September 22.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
No Afterschool
REMINDER: Due to homecoming activities, we will not have the afterschool program on Friday, Sept 9.
over 2 years ago, David Unsel
over 2 years ago, David Unsel